Our Story

Picture of woman gazing into the sunset sitting on bench

Hi, I'm Laura I began Fréjya health more than 3 years ago with a dream to help as many people that needed my help and knowledge in reflexology & naturopathic treatments.

In the last few years we have grown adding two more naturopaths, Alex & Sarah; both with years of experience in their fields. We each have a passion for helping people to live happy healthier lifestyles. If you curious and would like to know more feel free to call or send a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

123 healing Street Suite, Ireland
opening hours
Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

We began our journey in 2015 with one goal in mind; to offer holistic treatments that improve our clients health & wellbeing. Over the years we have grown our team and community enabling us to help more people and over a wider range of holistic treatments.

©2022 Fréyja Healing All rights reserved